
Инспектори по банков надзор в отдел „Макропруденциални инструменти и политика“ на БНБ

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/966" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Надя Стоянова</span></span>

Дирекция „Mакропруденциален надзор и финансова стабилност“ на Българската народна банка обявява свободни работни места за инспектори по банков надзор в отдел „Макропруденциални инструменти и политика“

Обща характеристика на длъжността:

Bulgarian Procurement Administrator

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/966" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Надя Стоянова</span></span>

Who are we?

LALIZAS is a company that manufactures marine equipment with a commercial presence in 130 countries. We hold a leading position in the European and International Marine market with over 40 years of experience and expertise in life saving equipment.

HR Rctuiter

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/966" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Надя Стоянова</span></span>

OCEAN FENDERS is being regarded as the most innovative brand in the fenders market since 1985. We arelooking for qualified and talented people, which are full of energy and have innovative ideas, and willingness for development in their career.

After being more than 30 years in the boat fending market, continuously introducing new products according to the needs of our partners, we are now proud to claim the top spot for the world’s biggest manufacturing plant for the best boat fenders.

Mathematician in PatePlay

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/966" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Надя Стоянова</span></span>

About Pateplay

We are a brand-new SaaS provider of online casino games established in Sofia, Bulgaria. We create in-house, end-to-end entertainment for game providers and end-users. Our portfolio is built up by professionals who come from industry leaders, with a lot of filtered ideas to bring a difference.

Музеен педагог в Природонаучен музей – с. Черни Осъм

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/966" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Надя Стоянова</span></span>

Природонаучен музей – с. Черни Осъм обявява свободно работно място за длъжността „Музеен педагог“. 

Отлична възможност за кариера на хора, които имат интереси свързани с опазването на околната среда и предаване на знания за съхранението ѝ.
